Posted in fiction, romance, vampires

Single White Vampire by Lynsay Sands

Author: Lynsay Sands
Pages: 384
Publisher: Avon
Date: April 23, 2024. (Reprint!)

Roundhouse Publishing editor Kate C. Leever’s first letter to her new author was meant to impress upon him the growing demand for vampire romances. And even though he’d expressed little-to-no desire for any publicity, book tours, or similar, it was clear this was an author just waiting to be broken out – despite himself, if necessary.
When she suggested attending a romance convention his response – unusually quick to arrive – was succinct: ‘No.’

But Kate was adamant: Mr Lucern Argeneau was going to attend a romance convention and meet his fans. By hook or by crook, despite his reclusive nature and odd sleep patterns, the surly yet handsome author would attend. And she was sure that, once there, he would reveal himself to be a true charmer.

Of course, that was before she realised that his ‘romances’ were more like biographies, and it’s literally her neck on the line …

I found this book…at…the grocery store. Yup you read that the grocery store! Sometimes the grocery store has a small book area to buy from. Anyone else checks book out at the grocery store?

And. I bought it and read it because duh..vampires!

Note: I have read Lynsay Sand’s books before and they’re just so fun to read! I have lost count which ones I have read. I think I may have to keep track of them. I know I have not read them all.

Back to the review shall we…
Vampires..check! Laughter and fun..check! Sweet romance…check! Soulmate time..check! Spicy bits..check!

I was hooked from reading this story from beginning to end. Kate and Lucern’s story was so fun. I laughed and squealed at the story many times. So many things kept happening that was heartwarming and sweet! I could totally see this as a cute rom com movie. I love how Kate was concern for Lucern at times on certain things. I loved how Lucern was a bit delayed with the times but slowly catches up. Oh I do have to say the mention of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” was awesome. I was laughing so hard at it. I can only imagine how Lucern would react to the whole series.

It’s a must read!

Have you read this book?

Have you read any of Lynsay Sands books?

Posted in E-Arc, fiction, Uncategorized, vampires

E-Arc Review: Fangs & Family by Olena Nikitin

I received and E-Arc fron Netgalley and the author for an honest review! Thank you!!

Author: Olena Nikitin
Pages: 466
Date: March 8, 2024

The only person who can save my brother is the vampire who hates me.

My brother disappeared, his friends were slaughtered, and the man searching for him used mind control to force me to help find him.
Desperate to save Pawel and retrieve the ancient artefact he stole before his enemy destroyed my life, I turned to my nemesis – Adam, hoping the price for his help wouldn’t leave me broken beyond repair.

Because we had a past, and it wasn’t a good one.

I hurt and humiliated him; this would be his chance for revenge.

But what else was I supposed to do? Let him call me his Obsidian when he gently stroked my hair? I’m just Nina, a human with no power, and I had to protect myself.

The irony is I would give anything to hear those words again, but now that my life depends on him, I don’t know if Adam would fight for me again.

This is the second book in the series. I have not read Sara and Leshy story yet but I want to! This story has a bit of everything happening: magic, drama, some violence, banter, vampires and so much more.

You know I had to read this story because of vampires…and that isn’t the cover beautiful?? (There’s a hint in it too!)

I really liked the story. I could not stop reading it. I had to know what was going to happen with Nina and Adam.

The vampire and the human along with a second chance, fighting, drama, mythology and so much more. I want more of this world. The author has won me over into reading more!

Adam reminds me a combination of fighting skills from Selene and an attitude of Spike from his dark days. He also battles his emotions on and off which is fascinating. I like him, is that wrong? His connection with Nina runs hot and cold which could indicate something magical, right? Oh and Adam’s housekeeper is a hoot and made me laugh a few times! That’s all I’m going to say about that.

Nina is full of attitude, sassy and has a hint of tenderness. I like how she connects with her friend Sara. Just something about their friendship is almost like a kinship. I loved how Nina figures some things out in this book. I loved Nina’s interaction with the housekeeper too.

The ending shocked me! Just when I think I knew the ending….Nope! I was not ready for it. I’m definitely ready to read more from this author!

Posted in adventure, fairy, fantasy, fiction, magic, magical elements, mythology, paranormal, vampires

Review: Vision of Crimson by Kathryn Troy

Thank you to Kathryn Troy to let me read this book for an honest review!

Author: Kathryn Troy
Pages: 296
Date: January 23, 2024

A hunter without a purpose. A witch out of control.
Together, they will burn.

Katelyn’s magic is risky, but she’s desperate. Icaryan light is fading. A chance meeting with a half vampire might be her last hope.

The darkly charming Luca is the one person able to stop Kate’s spells from swallowing her whole, but is he willing to follow her into a dark, wondrous world, full of magic and mischief at every turn?

Kate and Luca fight side-by-side against assassination plots, long-lost lovers, an illegitimate heir, and a slaver’s growing appetite for Icaryan citizens. All the while, Kate’s power is growing, its source just out of reach. Pulled in every direction, the dangers they face threaten to tear them apart.

Luca is faced with a terrible choice: turn her with his bite into the thing he hates most, or risk losing her forever.

Torn between fear and desire, he abandons his own futile hunt to find and kill his father—the vampire lord who has never forgotten him.

The moment I started reading this book, the story immediately went into action with the happenings of Luca, one of the main characters who is a half vampire. I immediately wanted to know how things were going to change for Luca when Kate and her crew came into play. He slowly adjusted to learning about new things and new people of all kind. When he became part of the crew to help, I thought that was interesting and risky for him in a way.  I also wanted to know what his journey was going to be like next.

The story was adventure, fantasy, magic, mythology, vampires, insta attraction, drama and more. It was a different take on what I thought the story was going to be. There seemed to be stories happening between Luca’s world and Kate’s world which ends up being combined. I’m very curious of what will happen and what secrets will be uncovered next since the ending left as a cliffhanger! 

I get the feeling I know more about Kate’s background than I do with Luca’s. I also want to know more about the whole quartz agenda. I’m hoping book two will have more details.

The connection of Luca and Kate was super quick! I got the feeling it could be either magic put them together or soulmates connection?  Or maybe they crave love since their lives have been so hard? Or maybe author had that in mind when she wrote it? It was different but they compliment each other well. They do have steamy moments together. I’m not going into detail on that you can read about it!

Oh I should say there are some triggers in this book too. Just to give you heads up about that. Death, darkness and more.

I enjoyed the story and characters! I’m ready for book two to be devoured! Go check it out if you are looking for something a little different to read.


Posted in fiction, paranormal, romance, vampires, witches

Review : The Royal Street Witch by Jenna Walker

Author: Jenna Walker
Pages: 249
Date: August 26, 2023

Aster Wildes is the last true witch of New Orleans.

Behind the walls of a French Quarter speakeasy, Aster sells magic potions to a family of vampires. It’s not a glamorous job and barely pays her mortgage, but Aster knows what her coven expects of her…

Create elixirs that allow vampires to survive, don’t fraternize with said vampires, and never, ever conduct business on the side.

Despising vampires makes these rules easy to follow until Bastian Delacroix reappears. And after years of being absent, does he really have to smile at Aster the way he does? Doesn’t he know he’s supposed to act like the other vampires—exude doom and gloom rather than rakish charm?

With the nerve to propose a secret deal, Bastian requests that Aster concoct a potion that allows vampires to walk in the sun, and in return, she’ll be handsomely rewarded for her crime.

Although Aster knows better than to trust vampires, she finds herself giving in to the allure of financial freedom . . . and to him.

The two embark on an illicit journey, allowing Aster to see a new side of Bastian, one that’s charismatic and tender. When business inevitably mixes with pleasure, they find themselves carried away by a romance as forbidden as the potion they’ve created.

But there are stakes in the bayou where witches have burned for treason, and when Aster is in danger of being exposed, she knows she will have to make a choice—Bastian or the coven her blood is tied to.

It’s a predicament no amount of magic can solve.


The story takes place in New Orleans where vampires and witches do not like each other! As you can read from the summary above, it pretty summarizes what the book is about which I adored. Hey if you follow me for a while now, you know I will read vampires. All the vampires! 


I loved this story and could not put it down. It took me a little longer to read because life got in the way, go figure, right? If you have ever read vampires or supernatural stories, they can be ight and fluffy or super dark. The book was in the middle. It had a bit of light and dark together which was just the right amount. The dark parts were twisted and tragic along with the light parts being airy and sweet. I could see everything happening as if it was a tv show or movie. The story had twists here and there through the entire story. nJust when I think it’s going to go one way, it goes another! Both characters and story kept my attention the entire time.

Things I enjoyed from this story was:
Learning more about Bastian’s history
Some of the history of Aster’s witch line
The slow burn of Bastian and Aster
Emotions from both the main characters
Roller-coaster ride!
Steamy bits!
The ending!!!

I think I felt more invested towards Aster than I did for Bastian. 

The main event ending..holy saints! I was not expecting that to happen the way it did. I did have an inkling on something that might have happen and I was right. I’m not giving my hunch away, you have to go get the book.  

There are triggers in this book of death, grief and addiction. I knew addiction was going to show up in the book because it can happen but how it was portrayed in this story was different. I don’t think I have ever seen that take on addiction. The grief and death was to be expected but I felt it. Whoo! 

Okay so I need book #2 now because I need to know what is going to happen next. That cliffhanger left me hanging. Be sure to pick up this book to read.

Posted in fiction, purchased books, vampires

Two new vampire books to read

I ended up purchasing two new vampire books to read! I will get to them in time. I have other things to read first but I wanted to share them!

The Royal Street Witch

Aster Wildes is the last true witch of New Orleans.

Behind the walls of a French Quarter speakeasy, Aster sells magic potions to a family of vampires. It’s not a glamorous job and barely pays her mortgage, but Aster knows what her coven expects of her…

Create elixirs that allow vampires to survive, don’t fraternize with said vampires, and never, ever conduct business on the side.

Despising vampires makes these rules easy to follow until Bastian Delacroix reappears. And after years of being absent, does he really have to smile at Aster the way he does? Doesn’t he know he’s supposed to act like the other vampires—exude doom and gloom rather than rakish charm?

With the nerve to propose a secret deal, Bastian requests that Aster concoct a potion that allows vampires to walk in the sun, and in return, she’ll be handsomely rewarded for her crime.

Although Aster knows better than to trust vampires, she finds herself giving in to the allure of financial freedom . . . and to him.

The two embark on an illicit journey, allowing Aster to see a new side of Bastian, one that’s charismatic and tender. When business inevitably mixes with pleasure, they find themselves carried away by a romance as forbidden as the potion they’ve created.

But there are stakes in the bayou where witches have burned for treason, and when Aster is in danger of being exposed, she knows she will have to make a choice—Bastian or the coven her blood is tied to.

It’s a predicament no amount of magic can solve.

Sign of the Slayer

High school is supposed to be about studying, socializing, and marching-band practice. Not fighting vampires. Then one night flipped my world inside out—now, my life sucks. But it isn’t all bad. I’m at a slayer academy, learning things like the real origin of vamps and how to make serious weapons out of thin air.

Every last one of them will pay for what they did. I’m doing great.

Until I come face-to-face with the actual vampire prince…and I’m not sure of anything anymore. Vampires are supposed to be soul-sucking demons. But Khamari is…something else. He’s intelligent and reasonable—and he seems to know things about me that could change everything.

He’s also hiding something big, even from his own kind. And when a threat from an ancient evil is so extreme that a vampire will team up with a slayer to take it down, it isn’t just my need for revenge that’s at stake anymore.

It’s the whole damn world.

Posted in E-Arc, paranormal, review, romance, vampires, witches

E-Arc Blood Enchanted by Autumn Blake

I received an E-Arc from Netgalley and publisher/author for an honest review!

Author: Autumn Blake
Date: October 29,2023
Pages: 400

A guarded witch…
Jade Belle has everything under control. Despite leaving her role as High Priestess-in-training behind in the aftermath of the disastrous Samhain festival, she has found purpose again within the New Orleans Vampire Court alongside her nemesis, Alexei Vasilyev. The prince is everything she despises: beautiful, charming, arrogant. But when she meddles with magick she doesn’t understand, she may have to put her faith in the very male she distrusts above all others.

An exiled vampire…
Alexei Vasilyev’s life as an exiled prince used to be uncomplicated, but his once blasé existence has been uprooted into chaos after Jade Belle entered his life. In the months since she joined his Court, tinkering away at magical talismans, he’s fallen deeper under her spell, enchanted by her icy exterior he longs to crack open.

When one of the most powerful talismans in Alexei’s collection is stolen right beneath his nose, the unlikely pair must work together to find the object that could spell their doom. Together, they must follow the thief’s trail back to Salem and recover the talisman before tensions between the witches and vampires unravel to dangerous levels. Will Jade and Alexei continue to fight the passion growing between them, or will they give in to their desires, knowing their happily ever after is doomed from the start?

Blood Enchanted is Book 2 in the sizzling Wicked Belles standalone series.

I could not stop reading this. I literally read this book in a day and half because like I have always said “vampires are my jam!” I have read the first book by Autumn Blake and loved it. I was so thrilled to get approved to read the second book. Whooo whee! Thank you!!

Okay so much happens in this book. This book story is about Jade’s adventure. She’s an Earth witch where she is bound to the earth. I loved learning about that. For Jade magic happens in so many ways. She ends up down a path of adventure, truth, love, lust and so much more. I loved how Jade learns so much about herself and what she stands for. Her connection with Alexi is steamy.

Alexi’s smooth lines was perfection and that’s not all. I had to! Sorry but Autumn writes really well with her characters making them steamy. And that he is a vampire. Anyways, I could see that he was on a journey also. He wanted to atone for his past. I’m not giving it all his history away because you need to read the book. While on his journey, Jade comes into the picture and presto. He realizes she’s is his mate. Do they get their happy ever after?

I loved how those two played off of each other. Their banter, their kisses, their plans, their steamy moments…all of it! I loved their adventure together and separate.

I enjoyed the moments that Alexi and Henry had together of just chatting.

I loved when Jade was learning more about her magic and talismans. The seance part in the book was fun! I loved how she got to hag out and yet learned many things.

The story is written from Alexi and Jade’s point of view.

As I mentioned before there is spicy moments.

Oh I did enjoy Ember and Killian’s brief appearances in this book.

I’m definitely going to read the next book. I am so enjoying these adventures of the sisters about their magic and their mates. Such a magical whirlwind adventures!

So go pick it up today if you like vampires and witches and more! I may order the paperback copy because the book cover itself is so pretty!

Posted in book review, comedy, review, romance, Simple romance, vampires

Book Review: How to Fake Date a Vampire by Linsey Hall

I own this book! I bought it because the cover caught my eye and the title was epic and the summary of the book just said “you know you want to read it.”

Author: Linsey Hall
Pages: 333
Publisher: Bonnie Doon Press
Date: August 31, 2023

Faking it with a vampire duke should be simple, right?

I’ve got one chance to prove to my coven that I’m worth my wand. But to do it, I’m going to have to make a deal with a vampire duke. I get to use his gorgeous estate in Cornwall to host the Beltane Ball–and in exchange, I’ll pretend to be his girlfriend. But it’s all a show for his grandmother.

The rules of our fake relationship are simple:

No flirting. No emotion. No sex. Simple, right?

Except I can’t seem to ignore the allure of the infuriating and devastatingly sexy vampire. Falling for a duke isn’t an option, though. I would lose the anonymity that protects me and my coven, and that would ruin my life.

I enjoyed this pretty charming book! The cover is so stunning! It’s a work of art. The story was sweet with bits of comedy and romance along with supernatural elements. It was just sweet! That’s all I can describe it.

I love Emma’s determination in all things along with her need of belonging somewhere. I love how she takes action in hosting the ball. One thing after another happens and she takes each challenge head on gracefully. Ghosts, life, love, and a tiny bit of drama! Whoo! Go Emma Go! I love how Emma finds her familiar. Her familiar is sassy. I loved the bond that Emma has with her familiar. I’m not telling you what kind of animal it is. Go read the book. Her attraction to Alaric…it sizzles!

Alaric has his own issues. He has a hard time trusting people again and trying to feel himself since his parents are gone. His grandmother raised him and cares for him a great deal. He cares for his grandmother very much. Oh did you know that Alaric can cook? Who doesn’t love a guy who can cook? When he connects and is around Emma more, he becomes a bit more brighter. I could see this happening and loved it. Could it be that he is falling for Emma??

The grandmother is precious and funny! I love her connection with Emma and her grandson Alaric. Her joys of pool and binge watching tv shows is hilarious! Nothing goes past her! She’s a riot! Imagine the stories she could tell!

The spark between Emma and Alaric is magic. How they first met was funny. Then the second time — all I can say — goat! Then the deal begins between them as they banter and play off of each other so well. So sweet, charming and fun. They do have a few cute spicy bits. I could feel the sizzle! But do they get their happy ever after or does something stand in their way? Go get the book to find out.

I will say page 227 towards the end of it had me laughing out loud. Oh I needed that. That was epic!

This book is filled with love, comedy, hope, friendships and family! Oh I wanted to let you know that the story switches back from Emma and Alaric’s point of view. Go get the book today if you are looking for something sweet, charming, magical and an easy fun read!

Posted in books, fantasy, fiction, new books, vampires

Precious new book haul…

Well…I ended up getting these pretty books to support the wonderful authors! I have read two of them already – “Bad Luck Vampire” and “My Roommate is a Vampire” and the other I have not – “Light Lark.”

Currently right now I’m juggling three let me finish those first before I tackle “Light Lark!” Anyone else read it yet?

What are you reading and buying?

Posted in fantasy, fiction, magic, out today, vampires

Magical Books Out today! Go pick these books up!

Go go get these books today!!
They are in stores and online now

I’ve read:
“What Became of Magic”
“The Scarlet Veil!”
“The Witches of Bone Hill,”
and “Bad Luck Vampire!”
Both I enjoyed them all!!

Aline Weir, a witch who can talk to ghosts, has kept her talents hidden ever since a disastrous middle school slumber party, choosing to be invisible and use her powers in secret to help lost souls reunite with the keys to send them home. All the while, she finds solace in a bookstore and the three mysterious women who run it… until Aline discovers the book of Mischief, and her powers are enhanced.

Living a solitary life until the age of thirty, Aline’s life takes an unexpected turn when the wrong (or perhaps right) person witnesses her using her powers and she is invited to a town that doesn’t exist on any map. Arriving in Matchstick, Aline learns of a lost magic that desperately needs to be found and only her unique powers can do it. But what she’s not told is that Magic is a person. One that is dangerous and seductive and has been waiting for a witch with a power like hers for centuries.’
My What Became of Magic Review

Aline Weir, a witch who can talk to ghosts, has kept her talents hidden ever since a disastrous middle school slumber party, choosing to be invisible and use her powers in secret to help lost souls reunite with the keys to send them home. All the while, she finds solace in a bookstore and the three mysterious women who run it… until Aline discovers the book of Mischief, and her powers are enhanced.

Living a solitary life until the age of thirty, Aline’s life takes an unexpected turn when the wrong (or perhaps right) person witnesses her using her powers and she is invited to a town that doesn’t exist on any map. Arriving in Matchstick, Aline learns of a lost magic that desperately needs to be found and only her unique powers can do it. But what she’s not told is that Magic is a person. One that is dangerous and seductive and has been waiting for a witch with a power like hers for centuries.

My Scarlet review here

Cordelia Bone’s meticulously crafted life and career in Dallas are crashing down around her thanks to a philandering husband with criminal debts. When her older, carefree sister, Eustace―a cannabis grower in Boulder―calls to inform her that the great aunt they never met has died and they must travel to a small town in Connecticut to deal with the estate, she sees an opportunity to unload the house and save herself.

But once there, the sisters learn they are getting much more than they bargained for. The Victorian mansion they stand to inherit is bound in a dynasty trust controlled by their late aunt’s aging attorney, who insists they retain and inhabit the house but keeps them in the dark about the peculiar rituals of their ancestors. Not to mention a sexy, tattooed groundskeeper with a shrouded past who refuses to leave the carriage house and a crypt full of dead relatives looming at the property line.

As both women grapple with their current predicament, they come face to face with a haunting family secret, the truth of what happened to their mother, and the enemy that’s been stalking them from the shadows for generations. In a twisting torrent of terror and blood, the sisters must uncover the power within them to heal their fractured relationship, reverse their mysteriously declining health, and claim the lineage they wanted to escape but now must embrace if they are to survive at Bone Hill.

My Witches of Bone Hill Review here

Alasdair MacKenzie has never once considered himself unlucky in all the centuries he’s been an immortal rogue enforcer. Not until he meets Sophie. Finding the beautiful, smart, and funny woman who is his life mate is great luck, actually. But meeting her at a wedding full of Argeneaus, not to mention his own busybody uncles determined to “help him claim his woman,” is bad luck. And the fact that Sophie is someone else’s date? Well that’s just the next level of unlucky.

From the way her gaze travels over his body like a caress to the electric zing whenever they innocently touch…he wants her for all eternity! He’ll keep his hands off Sophie until her date is over. After that all bets are off and he’ll pull out all the stops to win her. Great plan—until he gets hit by a car. And then he’s poisoned. Is his luck that bad, or is someone out to stop this immortal from claiming Sophie as his life mate? 

My Bad Luck Vampire Review

Once, there were four worlds, nestled like pages in a book, each pulsing with fantastical power and connected by a single city: London. Until the magic grew too fast and forced the worlds to seal the doors between them in a desperate gamble to protect their own. The few magicians who could still open the doors grew more rare as time passed and now, only three Antari are known in recent memory―Kell Maresh of Red London, Delilah Bard of Grey London, and Holland Vosijk, of White London.

But barely a glimpse of them have been seen in the last seven years―and a new Antari named Kosika has appeared in White London, taking the throne in Holland’s absence. The young queen is willing to feed her city with blood, including her own―but her growing religious fervor has the potential to drown it instead.

And back in Red London, King Rhy Maresh is threatened by a rising rebellion, one determined to correct the balance of power by razing the throne entirely.

These two royals from very different empires now face very similar struggles: how to keep their crowns―and their own heads.

Amidst this tapestry of old friends and new enemies, a girl with an unusual magical ability comes into possession of a device that could change the fate of all four worlds.

Her name is Tes, and she’s the only one who can bring them together―or unravel it all.