Posted in graphic novels, teen, teens

The Deep Dark by Molly Knox Ostertag

Graphic novel
Ages 14 and up
Lots of themes going on..friendship, life, love, relationship, supernatural element
Warning – abuse and death

Author: Molly Knox Ostertag
Publisher: Graphix
Date: June 4, 2024
Pages: 480

Everyone has secrets. Mags’s has teeth.
Magdalena Herrera is about to graduate high school, but she already feels like an adult with serious responsibilities: caring for her ailing grandmother; working a part-time job; clandestine makeouts with a girl who has a boyfriend. And then there’s her secret, which pulls her into the basement each night, drains her of energy, and leaves her bleeding. A secret that could hurt and even kill if it ever got out — like it did once before.

So Mags keeps her head down, isolated in her small desert community. That is, until her childhood friend Nessa comes back to town, bringing vivid memories of the past, an intoxicating glimpse of the future, and a secret of her own. Mags won’t get attached, of course. She’s always been strong enough to survive without anyone’s help.

But when the darkness starts to close in on them both, Mags will have to drag her secret into the daylight, and choose between risking everything… or having nothing left to lose.

I read this beautiful story in a day. It had come across my desk at work and I had to take a peek at it to see what it was all about. I’m glad I did. Supernatural, relationships and life…oh my! The illustrations are rich with the storytelling. The story flows from start to finish with Mags with the inner conflict. Is there a happy ending? Go pick it up to read today.

Posted in action, book review, fantasy, review, Young Adult Fantasy

Review: LightLark by Alex Aster

I own a copy of this book!
I have the paperback version! It’s gorgeous!

Author: Alex Aster
Pages: 448
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams
Date: September 23, 2023

Welcome to the Centennial.

Every hundred years, the island of Lightlark appears for only 100 days to host a deadly game, where the rulers of six realms fight to break their curses and win unparalleled power. Each ruler has something to hide. Each curse is uniquely wicked. To break them—and save themselves and their realms—one ruler must die.

To survive, Isla Crown must lie, cheat, and betray. Even as love complicates everything . . .

I picked this book up on my own. It was not because of the hype! Honestly I kept eyeing it in the stores. After a while I decided to give it a shot. Well it’s different! I can see how it can be similar to Hunger Games and not.

The realms and trying to fix curse and battles among everyone, it was all so fascinating and lot to take in! I had wonder why the curse went on for long as it did? Why wasn’t it done earlier? Was it because of Isa? I will say it was fascinating and fun to figure out what was going to happen next in the story. Who’s going to lie? Who’s the villain? Who has the romance? I will say I could see the story in my head happening but the some of the words the author used was different.

There were some aspects of the story that I did not see coming and some that I could totally predict.

This book is almost like part of the bigger picture. Shall I say this book is in the middle of the entire story. This book left me with questions to the beginning of how it went down with Grim and Isla. It also left the story open what is going to happen next.

I think Isla and Oro was a match than Grim. Just my opinion. We shall see what happens.

The whole point of reading this story was to see what happens to Isla. Am I going to get book 2 to read? Probably. I am curious to see what will happen with Isla.

Posted in E-Arc, fantasy, fiction, YA

E-Arc Review: To Kill a Shadow by Katherine Quinn

I received an E-Arc from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review! Shout out to Brittany Zimmerman!!

Author: Katherine Quinn
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Pages: 448
Date: November 28, 2023

Jude Maddox knows nothing of love or even light. He knows only his grim duty as the Hand of Death, to lead the Knights of the Eternal Star into a land filled with nightmares and certain demise. It’s only when he sees her―a young woman with wild, amber eyes who’s as fierce, defiant, and swift as the shadow beasts themselves―that he feels the warmth of life in his blood…

The other Knights may fear their lethal commander, with his hard, merciless demeanor. Outcast Kiara Frey sees only a leader, a man who knows how to survive. Someone like her. But wanting him is as treacherous as the shadows themselves…and just as seductive.

With a kingdom on the verge of collapse, the Knights must now venture into the darkest heart of the land and uncover the secrets of the misted shadows, where evil will prey upon their minds and feast on their flesh.

It will betray their senses.
It will surpass their nightmares.
Most of them will die.

But they have no other choice. Because the only way to fight the darkness…is to become it.

Oh my gosh! I could not stop reading this. I was hooked. I was immersed into the world of Jude and Kiara. Holy moley! I really really enjoyed the adventure and everything about it. The world that the author weaves is fascinating, magical and dark. Whooo!

Kiara has a fire in her. The moment she meets Jude in his armor there is tension but there is something more. Then she she meets him for the first time face to face in unique situation, she holds her ground in an rather fascinating way. The two play off of each other and yet they’re similar and not. Something cool about them. It’s just a different take on their relationship. And yet does it blossom into something more?

Just wanted to point out that the story switches from Jude and Kiara’s view!

Oh and the book! I loved the book being tied into the story.

Jude …the broody commander with such an interesting background story. I felt for him and was fascinated by him. I loved how he grew a tiny bit throughout the story. He has his own secrets. The things he says to! I believe he still has secrets. I need to know them now. The last chapter..come on!!!

Kiara…she’s a firecracker. I love her heart for being the caregiver and the strength to not give up. She’s a fighter and very strong willed! Maybe a tad run first and think later? Kiara also has a dire background from growing up and that’s something she connects with Jude. I love how she cares from her brother. Those she cares for, she will fight for them. Oh oh …and Kiara’s grandmother..I want to know more on that too!

The story was awesome and the way the words were written in this book was astonishing. I ended up writing a list of words that I had never seen before because it was so fascinating! The words just made the whole story amazing. (Anyone else do this??). Romance, fantasy, mystery, adventure and new lands/creatures…all of this grabbed my attention, my undivided attention.

I want more what’s going to happen next? What will Jude do next? What’s Kiara’s plan? How is Jake going to help? Will other creatures show up?

Oh I will say there are dark, creepy creatures in the book so fighting and death is bound to happen.

I am definitely going to get this physical book for my personal library. I just absolutely loved it. (Yes …I have done e-arcs and then ended up buying the physical books…that’s okay right? Right? Gotta support all those amazing authors!)

So if you like action, fighting, fantasy, secrets, magic, lore, a slow burn romance, ….then you gotta get this book! The book comes out on November 28, 2023!

Posted in Arc, fantasy, fiction, mythology, retelling, YA

Paperback Arc Review : A Drop of Venom by Sajni Patel

I picked a physical copy of this book from ALA 2023.

Author: Sajni Patel
Date: January 16, 2024
Pages: 393
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

Sixteen-year-old Manisha is no stranger to monsters—she’s been running from them for years, from beasts who roam the jungle to the King’s army, who forced her people, the naga, to scatter to the ends of the earth. You might think that the kingdom’s famed holy temples atop the floating mountains, where Manisha is now a priestess, would be safe—but you would be wrong.

Seventeen-year-old Pratyush is a famed slayer of monsters, one of the King’s most prized warriors and a frequent visitor to the floating temples. For every monster the slayer kills, years are added to his life. You might think such a powerful warrior could do whatever he wants, but true power lies with the King. Tired after years of fighting, Pratyush wants nothing more than a peaceful, respectable life.

When Pratyush and Manisha meet, each sees in the other the possibility to chart a new path. Unfortunately, the kingdom’s powerful have other plans. A temple visitor sexually assaults Manisha and pushes her off the mountain into a pit of vipers. A month later, the King sends Pratyush off to kill one last monster (a powerful nagin who has been turning men to stone) before he’ll consider granting his freedom.

Except Manisha doesn’t die, despite the hundreds of snake bites covering her body and the venom running through her veins. She rises from the pit more powerful than ever before, with heightened senses, armor-like skin, and blood that can turn people to stone. And Pratyush doesn’t know it, but the “monster” he’s been sent to kill is none other than the girl he wants to marry.

The cover is stunning! I’m so glad I picked this arc up at ALA 2023. Thank you to the publisher for giving this out at ALA2023 and to the author Sajni Patel for writing it!

There is a trigger warning mentioned and the author explains why. I suggest you read it before you get into the book.

The book says is a YA. I honestly think it should be for mature audiences that can handle these types of triggers or at least have a talk about it beforehand. That’s my opinion. The triggers are dark. I can see how the trigger can tie in the story that is written here. If you really look at mythology and how it all goes down, it can be dark! (Just like history).
So if this is not your jam, then don’t read it. This is just my two cents.

The story switches from Manisha point of view and Pratyush point of view of what they go through. There’s darkness, drama, action, fighting and the need to stand up for oneself! I was rooting for Manisha from the beginning to the end of the story. Pratyush, I felt for him and towards the end he was okay.

I will say it was a little slow in beginning but I decided to keep reading. I’m glad I did because the story began to pick up. It was almost like a build up before all the action happens. Once the action started, it just kept going. One thing after another! The flow of the action was great.

The landscapes that were described sounded rich and adventurous and scary! I could picture them all in my head. The water, the jungle, the trees, the rocks and so on.

The story gives a take on how standing up for the right thing is important! It’s important for equality and consent. I saw all of these in the story. I did like Noni…she seemed one heck of a cool serpent! Although I am not a fan of snakes.

Check this book out if you are looking for a rather interesting retell on mythology with some darkness to it.

Posted in I spy, teen, teens, YA

I spy a new YA Book

I spy this book at work today….

Stephanie Garber

For as long as she can remember, Evangeline Fox has believed in true love and happy endings…until she learns that the love of her life will marry another.

Desperate to stop the wedding and to heal her wounded heart, Evangeline strikes a deal with the charismatic, but wicked, Prince of Hearts. In exchange for his help, he asks for three kisses, to be given at the time and place of his choosing.

But after Evangeline’s first promised kiss, she learns that bargaining with an immortal is a dangerous game ― and that the Prince of Hearts wants far more from her than she’d pledged. He has plans for Evangeline, plans that will either end in the greatest happily ever after, or the most exquisite tragedy…

Posted in I spy, Uncategorized

I spy this YA Book

So I saw this book in the bookstore while I’m on vacation….anyone else read it yet?

My name is Ari Helix. I have a magic sword, a cranky wizard, and a revolution to start. I’ve been chased my whole life. As a fugitive refugee in the territory controlled by the tyrannical Mercer corporation, I’ve always had to hide who I am. Until I found Excalibur. Now I’m done hiding.  When Ari crash-lands on Old Earth and pulls a magic sword from its ancient resting place, she is revealed to be the newest reincarnation of King Arthur. Then she meets Merlin, who has aged backward over the centuries into a teenager, and together they must break the curse that keeps Arthur coming back. Their quest? Defeat the cruel, oppressive government and bring peace and equality to all humankind. No pressure

Posted in book review, teen, YA

By the Book Review

Mary Porter-Malcolm has prepared for high school in the one way she knows how: an extensive review of classic literature to help navigate the friendships, romantic liaisons, and overall drama she has come to expect from such an “esteemed” institution. When some new friends seem in danger of falling for the same tricks employed since the days of Austen and Tolstoy, Mary swoops in to create the Scoundrel Survival Guide, using archetypes of literature’s debonair bad boys to signal red flags. But despite her best efforts, she soon finds herself unable to listen to her own good advice and falling for a supposed cad—the same one she warned her friends away from. Without a convenient rain-swept moor to flee to, Mary is forced to admit that real life doesn’t follow the same rules as fiction and that if she wants a happy ending, she’s going to have to write it herself. 

My Review

I checked this book out from the library. It took me a while to read because a thing called life and sleep demands me! The whole story was very interesting. It takes a different spin on high school with Mary’s knowledge of books to create Scoundrel Survival Guide. The plot builds up and then during the Winter Formal things fall apart for Mary where I felt for her. All the characters in the book are real people. They all had unique characteristics and some were friendly. I love the interaction with all the characters too.

Since the story takes place in high school, there will be high school things such as friendship, finding out who you are and dating. There is some drama but it is not overly done. I think it’s relatable. I love how Mary’s family has trivia night!

There was this one quote that I have to share from the book that was so good. “I shook my head. “”The part about chemistry. Spark. Finding someone you actually like, who’s also sensible dating option. A nice, safe romantic object…person.“”


The ending of the book is really nice too. Check it out if you are looking for something different and cute to read that takes place in a high school setting.

Posted in book review, fiction, review

How Not to Fall in Love Review

Harper works in her mom’s wedding shop, altering dresses for petulant and picky brides who are more focused on hemlines than love. After years of watching squabbles break out over wedding plans, Harper thinks romance is a marketing tool. Nothing more. Her best friend Theo is her opposite. One date and he’s already dreaming of happily-ever-afters. He also plays the accordion, makes chain mail for Ren Festers, hangs out in a windmill-shaped tree house, cries over rom-coms, and takes his word-of-the-day calendar very seriously.
When Theo’s shocked to find himself nursing his umpteenth heartbreak, Harper offers to teach him how not to fall in love. Theo agrees to the lessons, as long as Harper proves she can date without falling in love. As the lessons progress and Theo takes them to heart, Harper has a harder time upholding her end of the bargain. She’s also checking out her window to see if Theo’s home from his latest date yet. She’s even watching rom-coms. If she confesses her feelings, she’ll undermine everything she’s taught him. Or was he the one teaching her?

I received an e-arc from Netgalley and HMH Books for Young Readers for an honest review! So here it is!!

My Review
I received this story as an e-arc. Oh my gosh! I could not stop reading it. I did have some issues trying to download it. Luckily I did get some help from Netgalley! Thank you.

Back to the story – I love all the names in this book for the characters. The beginning of the book hooked my attention and kept going throughout the entire story. When I kept reading on so many interesting things were happening with Harper. I loved the fact she helped her mom out and that their relationship was pretty interesting.

I had a hunch that this book would be up my alley to read and it was.

I can see how some people might see this book as a triangle love story but to me it seemed more about Harper’s sense on love and how to figure out how love works in a relationship. She learns how to cope with those feelings. I also believe these same concepts go to Theo. The story focuses on Harper as the main character and I think Theo would be the second main character. Felix, Pippa, Harper’s mother and Theo’s family also come into play which is great.

Such a sweet novel with friendship and love! I really liked it.

So if you are looking for something sweet, fast paced, coming of age of what love is, friendship and a geek like me who likes great endings, then you need to read it.

(Sorry if this is review is a bit different than my usual ones but I just loved the whole book!)

Some things that I liked:

Harper helping her mother out at the bridal shop

Communication between Harper and her mom about birth control

Loved Theo’s creativity of stories and LARPing

Harper and Theo sharing a tent



Harper and Theo share and help each other with SAT/ACT vocabulary. There were some words I did not even know.

Love that Theo plays the accordian

Funko Pop is mentioned

Harper finding out who she is and what love it

Theo finding out who he is

Pippa’s description

The ending!

Posted in update

Reading update

Quick update from my land of reading

Coming soon for a review which was so cute and fun to read.
I could not put this down!
This book was checked out from the library.

What I will read next.
I know I will devour this book.
I am looking forward to see what Poppy experiences next.
Isn’t the cover so pretty?
I did purchase this book.