Posted in book review, E-Arc, magic, magical elements, review

E-Arc Review The Treasured One by Hannah Levin

I have received an E-Arc from NetGalley, the author and publisher for an honest review!

Author: Hannah Levin
Publisher: Aethon Books
Date: July 9, 2024

Avery is a Golden Child with the ability to heal any illness or injury. She lives a sheltered life, dutifully healing hopefuls from around the globe. Although she dreams of freedom, she fears disrupting the status quo—that is, until her powers go on the fritz, threatening her health and her relationship with her government caretakers.

In search of answers, Avery travels through The Rift to the realm of the fae, intimidatingly beautiful beings with powers humans don’t understand. Their prince, Riel, has motivations of his own when he agrees to teach her about her rare magic. But as they work together, the two are drawn to each other.

Just as Avery manages to unlock the full potential of her powers, a betrayal shakes Riel’s House, putting pressure on the already tenuous relationship between humans and the fae. Caught in the middle, Avery and Riel will have to decide what matters most to them: loyalty to their respective nations, or their feelings for one another.

This book was magical and sweet to read. It just felt so sweet. I can’t explain it. I could follow the entire story from beginning to end as it was such a magical mellow vibe. I will say I loved how Avery’s world was so modern and yet she ends up going to Riel’s world which is way different than hers. It was fun to see and experience the differences Avery went through. I enjoyed how Avery had to adjust to Riel’s world with their language and customs. Can you imagine stepping into a whole different world? I bet I would feel a bit out of place and learn to be cautious about how I came across.

For some reason I felt like Lord of the Rings vibe kept popping up in places. And maybe the vibe of all those action/fantasy movies made in the 90s? I can’t explain it but I really enjoyed reading it. I doubt if anyone gets my meaning on this but hey..what can I say?

The connection between Riel and Avery was sweet, playful, flirty, and such banter was exchanged between the two of them. I loved how kind they were to each other. There is a tiny bit of spice in the book as it was the right kind for this story.

The ending was really nice and it may be left open for more for the future? Will we learn more about how both worlds work? Will there be more of Avery and Riel? 

It’s a must read if you like mellow, a whole new world, fantasy, fae and magic happening all at once!


This blog will be about books. Who does not like books? I have always loved books. Reading allows you to travel to whole new worlds. Everyone should read. I will cover whatever books captures my attention and share it with the world. Books, stories, and libraries are amazing!