Posted in E-Arc, fiction, Uncategorized, vampires

E-Arc Review: Fangs & Family by Olena Nikitin

I received and E-Arc fron Netgalley and the author for an honest review! Thank you!!

Author: Olena Nikitin
Pages: 466
Date: March 8, 2024

The only person who can save my brother is the vampire who hates me.

My brother disappeared, his friends were slaughtered, and the man searching for him used mind control to force me to help find him.
Desperate to save Pawel and retrieve the ancient artefact he stole before his enemy destroyed my life, I turned to my nemesis – Adam, hoping the price for his help wouldn’t leave me broken beyond repair.

Because we had a past, and it wasn’t a good one.

I hurt and humiliated him; this would be his chance for revenge.

But what else was I supposed to do? Let him call me his Obsidian when he gently stroked my hair? I’m just Nina, a human with no power, and I had to protect myself.

The irony is I would give anything to hear those words again, but now that my life depends on him, I don’t know if Adam would fight for me again.

This is the second book in the series. I have not read Sara and Leshy story yet but I want to! This story has a bit of everything happening: magic, drama, some violence, banter, vampires and so much more.

You know I had to read this story because of vampires…and that isn’t the cover beautiful?? (There’s a hint in it too!)

I really liked the story. I could not stop reading it. I had to know what was going to happen with Nina and Adam.

The vampire and the human along with a second chance, fighting, drama, mythology and so much more. I want more of this world. The author has won me over into reading more!

Adam reminds me a combination of fighting skills from Selene and an attitude of Spike from his dark days. He also battles his emotions on and off which is fascinating. I like him, is that wrong? His connection with Nina runs hot and cold which could indicate something magical, right? Oh and Adam’s housekeeper is a hoot and made me laugh a few times! That’s all I’m going to say about that.

Nina is full of attitude, sassy and has a hint of tenderness. I like how she connects with her friend Sara. Just something about their friendship is almost like a kinship. I loved how Nina figures some things out in this book. I loved Nina’s interaction with the housekeeper too.

The ending shocked me! Just when I think I knew the ending….Nope! I was not ready for it. I’m definitely ready to read more from this author!

Posted in adventure, fairy, fantasy, fiction, magic, magical elements, mythology, paranormal, vampires

Review: Vision of Crimson by Kathryn Troy

Thank you to Kathryn Troy to let me read this book for an honest review!

Author: Kathryn Troy
Pages: 296
Date: January 23, 2024

A hunter without a purpose. A witch out of control.
Together, they will burn.

Katelyn’s magic is risky, but she’s desperate. Icaryan light is fading. A chance meeting with a half vampire might be her last hope.

The darkly charming Luca is the one person able to stop Kate’s spells from swallowing her whole, but is he willing to follow her into a dark, wondrous world, full of magic and mischief at every turn?

Kate and Luca fight side-by-side against assassination plots, long-lost lovers, an illegitimate heir, and a slaver’s growing appetite for Icaryan citizens. All the while, Kate’s power is growing, its source just out of reach. Pulled in every direction, the dangers they face threaten to tear them apart.

Luca is faced with a terrible choice: turn her with his bite into the thing he hates most, or risk losing her forever.

Torn between fear and desire, he abandons his own futile hunt to find and kill his father—the vampire lord who has never forgotten him.

The moment I started reading this book, the story immediately went into action with the happenings of Luca, one of the main characters who is a half vampire. I immediately wanted to know how things were going to change for Luca when Kate and her crew came into play. He slowly adjusted to learning about new things and new people of all kind. When he became part of the crew to help, I thought that was interesting and risky for him in a way.  I also wanted to know what his journey was going to be like next.

The story was adventure, fantasy, magic, mythology, vampires, insta attraction, drama and more. It was a different take on what I thought the story was going to be. There seemed to be stories happening between Luca’s world and Kate’s world which ends up being combined. I’m very curious of what will happen and what secrets will be uncovered next since the ending left as a cliffhanger! 

I get the feeling I know more about Kate’s background than I do with Luca’s. I also want to know more about the whole quartz agenda. I’m hoping book two will have more details.

The connection of Luca and Kate was super quick! I got the feeling it could be either magic put them together or soulmates connection?  Or maybe they crave love since their lives have been so hard? Or maybe author had that in mind when she wrote it? It was different but they compliment each other well. They do have steamy moments together. I’m not going into detail on that you can read about it!

Oh I should say there are some triggers in this book too. Just to give you heads up about that. Death, darkness and more.

I enjoyed the story and characters! I’m ready for book two to be devoured! Go check it out if you are looking for something a little different to read.


Posted in Arc, fantasy, fiction, mythology, retelling, YA

Paperback Arc Review : A Drop of Venom by Sajni Patel

I picked a physical copy of this book from ALA 2023.

Author: Sajni Patel
Date: January 16, 2024
Pages: 393
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

Sixteen-year-old Manisha is no stranger to monsters—she’s been running from them for years, from beasts who roam the jungle to the King’s army, who forced her people, the naga, to scatter to the ends of the earth. You might think that the kingdom’s famed holy temples atop the floating mountains, where Manisha is now a priestess, would be safe—but you would be wrong.

Seventeen-year-old Pratyush is a famed slayer of monsters, one of the King’s most prized warriors and a frequent visitor to the floating temples. For every monster the slayer kills, years are added to his life. You might think such a powerful warrior could do whatever he wants, but true power lies with the King. Tired after years of fighting, Pratyush wants nothing more than a peaceful, respectable life.

When Pratyush and Manisha meet, each sees in the other the possibility to chart a new path. Unfortunately, the kingdom’s powerful have other plans. A temple visitor sexually assaults Manisha and pushes her off the mountain into a pit of vipers. A month later, the King sends Pratyush off to kill one last monster (a powerful nagin who has been turning men to stone) before he’ll consider granting his freedom.

Except Manisha doesn’t die, despite the hundreds of snake bites covering her body and the venom running through her veins. She rises from the pit more powerful than ever before, with heightened senses, armor-like skin, and blood that can turn people to stone. And Pratyush doesn’t know it, but the “monster” he’s been sent to kill is none other than the girl he wants to marry.

The cover is stunning! I’m so glad I picked this arc up at ALA 2023. Thank you to the publisher for giving this out at ALA2023 and to the author Sajni Patel for writing it!

There is a trigger warning mentioned and the author explains why. I suggest you read it before you get into the book.

The book says is a YA. I honestly think it should be for mature audiences that can handle these types of triggers or at least have a talk about it beforehand. That’s my opinion. The triggers are dark. I can see how the trigger can tie in the story that is written here. If you really look at mythology and how it all goes down, it can be dark! (Just like history).
So if this is not your jam, then don’t read it. This is just my two cents.

The story switches from Manisha point of view and Pratyush point of view of what they go through. There’s darkness, drama, action, fighting and the need to stand up for oneself! I was rooting for Manisha from the beginning to the end of the story. Pratyush, I felt for him and towards the end he was okay.

I will say it was a little slow in beginning but I decided to keep reading. I’m glad I did because the story began to pick up. It was almost like a build up before all the action happens. Once the action started, it just kept going. One thing after another! The flow of the action was great.

The landscapes that were described sounded rich and adventurous and scary! I could picture them all in my head. The water, the jungle, the trees, the rocks and so on.

The story gives a take on how standing up for the right thing is important! It’s important for equality and consent. I saw all of these in the story. I did like Noni…she seemed one heck of a cool serpent! Although I am not a fan of snakes.

Check this book out if you are looking for a rather interesting retell on mythology with some darkness to it.

Posted in books, currently reading, E-Arc, fiction

Currently reading Update

I’m 32% percent way in this book. It has gotten interesting!
I have to know what is going to happen next. It’s an Paperbook Arc I got from ALA2023.

I just started this! On Page 20….E-arc from Netgalley.

I will start this little magical gem soon!!!
I ended up buying this one.

And I ended up buying this one..because vampires and rom com.
Isn’t the cover pretty? I will start this one too!

Think I have enough to read??