Posted in fiction, I spy, picture book, youth

I spy : Picture books

Check out these amazing picture books to read today!

What makes a patchwork prince? A prince must be ready for adventure—ready for the night, ready to pluck the brightest, most beautiful fabrics from the scrap heap, ready to run when danger comes. With the treasures he and his mother collect, she will make him clothes fit for royalty: No flashy jewels, no crown, but a cut and drape that hug his Black shoulders just right. And in his new clothes, with chin held high, he will know he is a prince.

Together with Kitt Thomas’s beautiful, exuberant artwork, acclaimed author Baptiste Paul brings readers a celebratory story about confidence and self-worth, and the enduring love between a mother and son.

“You feel way too much.” / “Will you stop being dramatic?”

This tender picture book follows a girl who is told she is too intense, too sensitive, too much. She’s told to grow a thicker skin, but the words of others slip right through. They somersault around inside and press against her heart.

What can she do to stop the hurt?

She needs to take time alone to think and read, rest and create.

Most of the time, people say “no” or “you can’t” because they dream too small.

Young Mary has been told that there are many things she can’t do. Like stay up past bedtime, or be an astronaut or become president. But what she really wants is to sing, and she isn’t about to let anyone tell her she can’t do it!

A powerful motivating tale about a confident and ambitious girl who doesn’t feed into negativity, this debut children’s book from legendary artist Mary J. Blige proves that anyone can make their dreams come true by believing in themselves. It’s a great conversation starter for overcoming discouragement from others.

Tommy knows exactly what he wants to be when he grows up. But when he announces that he plans to be a pterodactyl, it turns out he’s surrounded by skeptics (because what would he eat? Where would he live? How would he make money?). What’s a kid with a big dream to do? Well first of all, he’s not about to give up. (And he has a lot of good answers!) And fortunately, Tommy also has a wonderfully open-minded dad who helps him find a way to fulfill his goal. Kids will be cheering for Tommy on his road to pterodactyldom in this funny, engaging story, all the way to its clever resolution.

Welcoming a new baby can be hard, especially when you’re used to being the center of attention! When it’s time for Pepita, the puppy of the family, to meet the brand new bebita, she’s in for a few surprises. What do you mean that Mami is too busy to bounce a ball for Pepita? And Papi seriously can’t find any time to scratch her ears? This new bebita is a bit of a problem….

 A prickly kitten and the child who chooses it revel in being kindred spirits while they both learn how to live with their wild side.

When a little girl adopts a tigerish stray kitten from the shelter, her family isn’t sure about her choice. But she can see that she and the kitten have lots in common as they both have a tendency to lash out when they’re uncomfortable. The little girl does her best to be patient and give her kitten plenty of space, treating it the way she likes to be treated. And in doing so, somehow they figure out just the right ways to help calm each other. 

“Stuck?” asks Duck. Yep, Turtle is flipped over on his shell and can’t seem to get un-stuck. Duck suggests wiggling his feet, Kangaroo wants him to wag his tail, and Armadillo says rolling into a ball always does the trick. But Turtle is STILL. STUCK.

Is there anyone who can help? 

This wise and humorous story reminds us that when we’re feeling down, sometimes what we need most is a friend by our side—and a deep belly laugh—to help us get back on our feet again. 

Posted in podcast

Something Different

Okay something a bit different to write about. I have been watching on youtube a podcast called Inside of You by Michael Rosenbaum. So every Tuesday when he drops a new episode I try to make time to watch it on youtube due to the captions.

(Whoever conducts and/or edits podcast on youtube does a great job with everything and the captions.)

A few reasons why I follow his podcast is because it’s REAL. There’s no bs or facade going on here. It is people, humans even freaking celebrities have feelings, drama, mental things going on, families issues and so much more. It’s real! Everyone has a journey, everyone rises and falls. Some find their passion right away and some may take longer. Some may even change. Michael talks on all these subjects and just really listens to the stories. A connection is what I see and hear here. Everyone is connected somehow. Someone has a story that you can relate to. I love it!

Captions! Omg I love the captions! Thank you. For someone who’s deaf the captions are a lifesaver. If it was audio (which he as but that’s ok, everyone has their thing but this is my perspective) only I’d probably would have gotten 20% or more like 5% of the conversation and miss out on a lot! Figuring things out from audio is frustrating as hell. Heck even when the radio in the car comes on and I’m like “What song is that? What are they saying? ” Music I love but I have to have the lyrics with me to follow along. Anyways, the captions are great.

His voice. Okay I admit Michael has a nice voice. It’s deep, cool and soothing. Do I dare say sexy? Maybe? Or it’s the deep tone. I just think it’s awesome.
(Yes I can hear some things…it’s ears are complicated or should I say a mystery?)

Yes I’ll admit I have seen Smallville where Michael played Lex Luthor. That was show was awesome. So cool.

Psstt he has the coolest podcast office room! I love the posters and pop culture in that room.

I look forward to watching more of this podcast.

Give it a shot and see what you think!

Posted in death, general life, ghost, life, love, YA, YA book

Notes From Ghost Town



By Kate Ellison
Hardcover, 336 pages
Published February 12th 2013 by EgmontUSA

They say first love never dies…

From critically acclaimed author Kate Ellison comes a heartbreaking mystery of mental illness, unspoken love, and murder. When sixteen-year-old artist Olivia Tithe is visited by the ghost of her first love, Lucas Stern, it’s only through scattered images and notes left behind that she can unravel the mystery of his death.

There’s a catch: Olivia has gone colorblind, and there’s a good chance she’s losing her mind completely—just like her mother did. How else to explain seeing (and falling in love all over again with) someone who isn’t really there?

With the murder trial looming just nine days away, Olivia must follow her heart to the truth, no matter how painful. It’s the only way she can save herself.


I finished this book a few days ago.  I liked it.   I thought the book was going to be a bit boring but it had my attention.   To be honest the cover caught my attention first.  Then I read what the summary was and thought maybe I’ll give it a shot.  Well the poor book sat around since 2013….(Yeah my to read pile has books from all kinds of years….)

Anyways the journey that Olivia goes on is pretty intense.  One thing after another and her emotions comes out in wanting to forget all the bad stuff and hoping that there is a light for her at the end of the tunnel.   She decides to try to solve the mystery.   There were some moments that caught me off guard and some moments that were sweet.   I was surprised that I liked this story.  Give it a shot and tell me what you think of the book! 

Posted in biographies, biography, general life, life


Check these biographies out!  They all have a story to tell!  Are you ready to read them?


So Much I Want to Tell You: Letters to My Little Sister

By Anna Akana


In 2007, Anna Akana lost her teen sister, Kristina, to suicide. In the months that followed, she realized that the one thing helping her process her grief and begin to heal was comedy. So she began making YouTube videos as a form of creative expression and as a way to connect with others. Ten years later, Anna has more than a million subscribers who watch her smart, honest vlogs on her YouTube channel. Her most popular videos, including “How to Put On Your Face” and “Why Girls Should Ask Guys Out,” are comical and provocative, but they all share a deeper message: Your worth is determined by you and you alone. You must learn to love yourself.

In So Much I Want to Tell You, Anna opens up about her own struggles with poor self-esteem and reveals both the highs and lows of coming-of-age. She offers fresh, funny, hard-won advice for young women on everything from self-care to money to sex, and she is refreshingly straightforward about the realities of dating, female friendship, and the hustle required to make your dreams come true. This is Anna’s story, but, as she says, it belongs just as much to Kristina and to every other girl who must learn that growing up can be hard to do. Witty and real, Anna breaks things down in a way only a big sister can.

The Currency of Love: A Courageous Journey to Finding the Love Within

By Jill Dodd


In this courageous and inspiring memoir about personal freedom and spiritual empowerment, Jill Dodd “writes earnestly and refreshingly about learning many of life’s more difficult lessons the hard way” (Kirkus Reviews) through her journey from Paris model to Saudi billionaire’s harem wife to multi-million dollar business entrepreneur.

In the 1980s, Jill Dodd determined that her ticket out of an abusive home was to make it as a top model in Paris. Armed with only her desire for freedom and independence, she embarks on an epic journey that takes her to uncharted territory—the Parisian fashion industry with all its beautiful glamour and its ugly underbelly of sex, drugs, and excess. From there, Jill begins an eye-opening adventure that includes trips to Monte Carlo, sexual exploitation, and falling in love with one of the richest men in the world, agreeing to become one of his wives—until she finds the courage to walk away from it all and rebuild her dreams.

The Currency of Love is a raw, honest, and inspiring portrait of a young woman’s struggles and triumphs from fashion model to Saudi billionaire’s pleasure wife to founder and creator of global fashion line, ROXY. This modern memoir with a feminist fairy tale twist reveals how one woman chose to live her life without forfeiting her independence, ambition, creative expression, and free spirit, all while learning one invaluable lesson: nothing is worth the sacrifice of her integrity, inner peace, and spirit.

Chasing Space: An Astronaut’s Story of Grit, Grace, and Second Chances

By Leland Melvin


In this revelatory and moving memoir, a former NASA astronaut and NFL wide receiver shares his personal journey from the gridiron to the stars, examining the intersecting roles of community, perseverance and grace that align to create the opportunities for success.

Leland Melvin is the only person in human history to catch a pass in the National Football League and in space. Though his path to the heavens was riddled with setbacks and injury, Leland persevered to reach the stars.

While training with NASA, Melvin suffered a severe injury that left him deaf. Leland was relegated to earthbound assignments, but chose to remain and support his astronaut family. His loyalty paid off. Recovering partial hearing, he earned his eligibility for space travel. He served as mission specialist for two flights aboard the shuttle Atlantis, working on the International Space Station.

In this uplifting memoir, the former NASA astronaut and professional athlete offers an examination of the intersecting role of community, determination, and grace that align to shape our opportunities and outcomes. Chasing Space is not the story of one man, but the story of many men, women, scientists, and mentors who helped him defy the odds and live out an uncommon destiny.

As a chemist, athlete, engineer and space traveler, Leland’s life story is a study in the science of achievement. His personal insights illuminate how grit and grace, are the keys to overcoming adversity and rising to success.

A New Model: What Confidence, Beauty, and Power Really Look Like

by Ashley Graham


One of the most outspoken voices gracing the cover of magazines today encourages women to be their most confident selves, recognize their personal beauty, and reach for their highest dreams in this wise, warm, and inspiring memoir

Voluptuous beauty Ashley Graham has been modeling professionally since the age of thirteen. Discovered at a shopping mall in Nebraska, her stunning face and sexy curves have graced the covers of top magazines, includingCosmopolitan and British Vogue, and she was the first size 14 model to appear on the front of the wildly popular Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. The face of brands such as H&M Studio, she is also a judge for the latest season ofAmerica’s Next Top Model. And that’s only the beginning for this extraordinary talent.

Ashley is leading a new generation of women breaking ground and demolishing stereotypes, transforming our ideals about body image and what is fashionable and beautiful. A woman who proves that when it comes to beauty, size is just a number, she is the voice for the body positivity movement today and a role model for all women—no matter their individual body type, shape, or weight.

In this collection of insightful, provocative essays illustrated with a dozen photos, Ashley shares her perspective on how ideas around body image are evolving—and how we still have work to do; the fun—and stress—of a career in the fashion world; her life before modeling; and her path to accepting her size without limiting her dreams—defying rigid industry standards and naysayers who told her it couldn’t be done. As she talks about her successes and setbacks, Ashley offers support for every woman coming to terms with who she is, bolster her self-confidence, and motivates her to be her strongest, healthiest, and most beautiful self.

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body

by Roxane Gay


From the New York Times best-selling author of Bad Feminist, a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself.

“I ate and ate and ate in the hopes that if I made myself big, my body would be safe. I buried the girl I was because she ran into all kinds of trouble. I tried to erase every memory of her, but she is still there, somewhere. . . . I was trapped in my body, one that I barely recognized or understood, but at least I was safe.”

New York Times bestselling author Roxane Gay has written with intimacy and sensitivity about food and bodies, using her own emotional and psychological struggles as a means of exploring our shared anxieties over pleasure, consumption, appearance, and health. As a woman who describes her own body as “wildly undisciplined,” Roxane understands the tension between desire and denial, between self-comfort and self-care. In Hunger, she casts an insightful and critical eye on her childhood, teens, and twenties—including the devastating act of violence that acted as a turning point in her young life—and brings readers into the present and the realities, pains, and joys of her daily life.

With the bracing candor, vulnerability, and authority that have made her one of the most admired voices of her generation, Roxane explores what it means to be overweight in a time when the bigger you are, the less you are seen.Hunger is a deeply personal memoir from one of our finest writers, and tells a story that hasn’t yet been told but needs to be.