Posted in E-Arc, fiction, out today, romance

Out today: Match Me If You Can by Swati Hedge

I’m almost finished reading this book!

I received an E-Arc from Netgalley and the publisher.

The review will be coming sometime this week.

I wanted to let you all know this book is out today!

Isn’t the cover so pretty?

Author: Swati Hedge
Date: June 4, 2024
Pages: 304
Publisher: Dell


Confident fashionista Jia Deshpande spends her days writing cliché-ridden listicles for Mimosa, Mumbai’s top women’s magazine. When she can, Jia dishes about the messy truth of real love on her anonymous blog, attends her family’s weekly game nights, and ignores her true feelings for her childhood friend. If that wasn’t enough, Jia needs to successfully set up a coworker with her perfect match to get the green light for her new matchmaking column. Thankfully, organizing meet-cutes has never been difficult for her.

 Local pub owner and cocktail genius Jaiman Patil can’t help but be enamored with Jia and her meddling spirit. He’s always been an honorary part of her family, but even more so since his own moved to America. Life with the Deshpandes is chaotic and loud, but it’s also more loving than anything he experienced growing up, and he wouldn’t risk losing that for the world. It feels manageable—until his pub begins to struggle and his long-hidden feelings for Jia grow deeper. 

When Jia’s attempts at office matchmaking go haywire, risking new friendships and her relationship with Jaiman, she must reevaluate her own thoughts on love. For the first time, Jia Deshpande realizes that love may be a lot more complicated than she thought. Luckily, happily-ever-afters are never in short supply in Mumbai.

Posted in E-Arc, fantasy, fiction, magic, magical elements, romance, witch, witches

E-Arc: The Hedge Witch

I received an e-Arc from the publisher and Netgalley for an honest review! I know I’m a little late…life has been busy!

Author: Colleen Delaney
Date: May 14, 2024. – It’s out now!! Go get it!
Publisher: City Owl Press
Pages: 270

A Beltane spell reveals a prophecy that will change their lives…

Laurel Bay is the third of five witchy sisters living a sweet life on Star Island; she runs a tarot reading business, depends on her sisters to pay her bills, and spends her free time jumping into the Hedge World, a realm few witches can access. But when a great love from a past life comes to her, Laurel is blinded by her need to find him-she throws all caution to the wind and ends up stalked by a vengeful witch she can’t remember.

Owen Davies is stuck. His powers as a son of a witch are minimal, he’s surrounded by morally gray water witches, and he’s aching to find his soulmate-so much so that he has a storage unit full of furniture he’s built for the mystery woman. Then a fateful vacation lands him in Laurel’s garden and their paths are finally intertwined.

With witches after Laurel’s powers and buried secrets unearthed, circumstances begin to mirror their heartbreaking past life. But this time around, Laurel and Owen refuse to be separated-not by time, not by a witch, not by death.

My Review
The Prologue captured my attention with such a powerful scene. This set the entire book for what was coming. I enjoyed the entire book from start to finish.

One thing happens after another. Past lives, magic, soulmates and curses! Oh boy!

Two things to mention!
1. There is some death bits in the book..torture and death due to witch hunting back in the day. So just heads up. I’m not giving you the details.

2. There is some spicy bits in it that just went with the story. Whoo yeah!

And now back to the review! The story kept overflowing on the pages having me want to know what was going to happen next. The sweetness, the action, the suspense! I had to know what was going to happen with Laurel and Owen. Would they get their happy ever after? Will the curse be ended? Will Laurel meet Owen’s family?

Owen’s family sounds pretty cool. I wonder if we will get stories from Owen’s side of the family too. I want Laurel to meet Owen’s mom! Water witches sound very interesting to learn too.

The connection between Owen and Laurel was just right. I love the playfulness they have with each other along with the flirty and steamy bits. Soulmates is what exactly they are.

Laurel’s sisters are awesome. Love how they all help each other out when needed. I believe more stories are coming! I can’t wait.

This is a must read for a cozy day to dive into the world of history, soulmates, magic, family and adventure. Go get it today!

Posted in book review, E-Arc, magic, review, supernatural, werewolves, witch

E-Arc Review: How to Help a Hungry Werewolf

I received an E-Arc from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review!

Author: Charlotte Stein
Pages: 368
Date: October 1, 2024
Publisher: Macmillan
Genre: Supernatural/Romance/Adventure

When Cassandra Camberwell returns to her hometown of Hollow Brook to clear out her late grandmother’s ramshackle old house, the last thing she expects is Seth Brubaker on her doorstep. Her former best friend was responsible for the worst moment of her high school life, and she can’t imagine he wants to do anything but torment her all over again.

Until she unearths the real reason this annoyingly gorgeous beast of a man keeps hanging around: he’s an actual werewolf, who’s certain she’s the witch that will ease his suffering. But Cassie just isn’t sure if she can trust him again. So Seth offers a pact: he’ll teach her all about her undiscovered magic, and she will brew the potions he needs. No feelings, no funny business, just a witch and a werewolf striking a deal.

Totally doable. Until they get hit with a do-or-die mating bond. And now the heat is rising, in between fights with formers bullies and encounters with talking raccoons. They just have to not give in. Unless giving in just might be the very thing they never knew they always wanted.

My Review:
I rarely read werewolves stories but I gave this one a go because my inner voice told me to do it and I am so glad I did. The story was hit the mark on friendship being great at one point then not then slowly turns back into a friendship again but with more emotions.

I will say I think there are some trigger warnings in this book that could be offended by some. There are spicy bits in the book and um..some dirty talk. Just letting you all know. If these things trigger you then this book may not be for you.

Friendship we all know is great but sometimes it can be hit with something had and never can bounce back. That is what I think Cassandra felt. I could see she was holding on to the anger of what had happened with her friend Seth but at the same time (as the story goes on) she learns to let go of that anger. There are lots of things happening in the story but to me it what I felt was that it was focused on Cassandra and Seth.

What I liked about this story is the supernatural/magic elements which was a different take (Goblin marbles, fairies, Pod, and more) the banter and connection between Seth and Cassandra, Cassandra learning about herself and growing strong from within, the adventures these two characters went on and the communication where they took the time to deep dive in it.

I would say the book felt sweet and sexy at the same time. It was almost like a build up to the sexy with magic being involved. I will admit I did think of the one episode of from Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Buffy and Riley got trapped in a loop of magic that was related to spicy time and wondered if that was the same concept for Seth and Cassandra. You’ll have to read to find out.

Posted in contemporary, E-Arc, magic, review, romance

E-Arc : Prime Time Romance by Kate Robb

I received an E-Arc from Netgalley, publisher and author for an honest review!
Thank you!

Author: Kate Robb
Publisher : Dial Press Trade
Date: September 5, 2024
Pages: 336

Newly divorced on the eve of her thirtieth birthday, Brynn is sick of heartbreak. She thought she had found her happy ending, but now she’s now living with a roommate, Josh, to afford her mortgage and trying to adjust to her new single life. At least she’s got Carson’s Cove to binge, her beloved 2000s teenage soap. The show ended unexpectantly on a cliffhanger after five seasons, and the two main characters, Sloan and Spencer, never got to declare their love for one another. The show is still perfect in Brynn’s eyes; despite all the drama that goes down, things always have a way of working out in Carson’s Cove . . . unlike her own life.

So when a birthday cake surprisingly shows up on her and Josh’s doorstep, Brynn makes a wish for the one thing she always wanted (but failed to achieve herself): a happily-ever-after.

The next morning, she doesn’t wake up in her apartment. She’s in Carson’s Cove . . . and Josh is there too. Everyone seems to know them, except they’re not Brynn and Josh; they’re Sloan, the sweetheart of Carson’s Cove, and Fletch, the town’s bad boy. And to get home, they have to make Brynn’s wish come true by ensuring Sloan and Spencer, the hometown heartthrob, end up together at last. But as they spend more time together, Brynn and Josh realize that Carson’s Cove might not be as perfect as seen on tv . . . especially when they start developing feelings for each other in a plot twist nobody expected. Will they stick to the script, or will real love change the story forever?

Oh my gosh! I could not stop reading this story. I was hooked from page one til the end. Small town, stuck in magic, romance looms about and drama happens? All these themes pop up in this story which I adored!

The story does shift from Brynn and Josh point of view.

The author did it again! She made a magical story which had me wanting to know what was going to happen. I have read her previous book which was magical too!

There are easter eggs in this book from 90s/2000s era. I immediately knew what they were and was so excited to see these in this story. I am not giving it away. I will admit I squealed quite a few times. Loved it!

I really was invested in the main characters: Brynn and Josh and how they were going to interact with each other and the magic. Of course there is drama! There always is dram but does the drama win?

It was a heart felt story with finding what is real and knowing yourself. I think both Brynn and Josh realized on the things that mattered to them and what they really felt inside. I loved this. I loved how characters realize things just like us humans do in the real world.

There is a bit of spice which I think it was fit well with the story. I really thought it was the right touch to the story.

I am definitely picking up a physical book when this comes out later in 2024!

Posted in E-Arc, fiction, finished reading, holiday

E-Arc: Christmas in Aspen by Anita Hughes

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher: St. Martin’s Press and author for letting me read this for an honest review!

Author: Anita Hughes
Date: October 24, 2024
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Pages: 304

Editor Caroline Holt is on her way to her late mother’s upstate cabin in Hudson to spend the holidays. She was supposed to be in London, having a holiday romance. But this Christmas, she isn’t in the mood to get her heart broken again. Caroline loves being an editor, but in the last year burnout has taken over. She has been mourning her mother, and she is looking to get that spark back.

In the cabin, Caroline finds a letter addressed to her mother. It’s in a red envelope, and the return address is Santa’s Little Red mailbox, in Aspen, Colorado. The letter is from a man declaring his love for her mother. He’ll be waiting for her in front of the Little Red Mailbox at three pm on New Year’s Eve.

Unable to ignore her curiosity, Caroline takes the next flight to Aspen to meet her mother’s mysterious lover, but things start getting complicated when she meets another man in town. The more they run into each other, the more she is drawn to him. And when Caroline finds out the truth about the person her mother had loved, she unravels secrets of her own past.

By the end of Christmas week, Caroline gets a chance to rewrite her own destiny by confronting her fears of loving again and possibly leaving behind what she thought was a perfect life.

A holiday, adventurous, heartwarming story! Gosh I loved how this story took me down a path of coping, love, life, a bit of mystery and the magic of Aspen. I will say there a quite a few things happening in this story: Caroline and her coping skills along with falling in love, Caroline’ s sister and love, their mother mysterious love and so much more. I really enjoyed this story.

I could keep up with the pace of the book, the characters and even the timeline! The story kept me intrigued the entire time. I wanted to know what was going to happen! The magical Aspen sounds good to be true. I wish I could go visit there. I could not stop reading this story either. I think it took me about two and half days to read it. It just kept me intrigued!

This is a great holiday story to be read when it comes out in October 2024! Pick it up and you will not regret it!

Posted in book review, drama, E-Arc, fiction, historical fiction, Historical Romance, mystery, Preview, review

E-Arc Review: A Governess’s Guide to Passion and Peril by Manada Collins

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher Forever and author for letting me review this E-Arc for an honest review!

This book drops March 26, 2024!

Author: Manda Collins
Publisher: Forever
Date: March 26, 2024
Pages: 304

Jane Halliwell once dreamed of a home of her own—but those dreams (and her dowry) died with her father. Now, she works as a governess, preparing her charge for a future no longer within her reach. When her employer is murdered during a house party, however, Jane is forced back into the world of the ton. But stepping in as hostess will require working with the same lord who once broke her girlish heart.

Lord Adrian Fielding was too consumed with his job at the Foreign Office to pay young Jane much heed, but he always considered her a friend. Which is why he’s confounded by her icy demeanor now. More troubling still is his desire to melt the tensions between them. But his mentor’s murder means he must first find the culprit—and ensure Jane’s safety as she manages a house full of foreign dignitaries.

Only Jane insists on joining the investigation, and Adrian, despite all his diplomatic skills, finds himself seduced by her sharp wit and sparkling eyes. But with a vicious killer circling ever closer, will it soon be too late for their chance at forever?

It’s a sweet romance! There is not that much spicy bits in it if that is what you are looking for! It is also a slow burn.

Yes I do read these kinds of books because it’s important to have a well rounded reading spectrum of your liking.

I enjoyed the suspense of finding out what had happened! It had me thinking of who could be the suspect. I think I figured it out maybe closer towards the end of the story. When Adrian and Jane join together to figure out the mystery, it was fun and cute because you could see and feel the tension between them regarding their feelings for each other along with trying to solve the case. What exactly happened though? I”m not spilling the tea, you must pick this book to find out.

I love how Jane is independent and thinks for herself. She shows this by being a governess in the beginning along with what happens in the story. She just knows how to handle situations! She’s just awesome character. Her connection Adrian is so real. I love how they do talk of things which happens further in the story which makes their relationship real. It was real talk with connection and kindness.

Adrian was an interesting character. I wish there a little more to him but I like his kindness and openness to Jane.

It was a quick and sweet read!
A world of love and suspense!
Cute moments!

Posted in E-Arc, fiction, Uncategorized, vampires

E-Arc Review: Fangs & Family by Olena Nikitin

I received and E-Arc fron Netgalley and the author for an honest review! Thank you!!

Author: Olena Nikitin
Pages: 466
Date: March 8, 2024

The only person who can save my brother is the vampire who hates me.

My brother disappeared, his friends were slaughtered, and the man searching for him used mind control to force me to help find him.
Desperate to save Pawel and retrieve the ancient artefact he stole before his enemy destroyed my life, I turned to my nemesis – Adam, hoping the price for his help wouldn’t leave me broken beyond repair.

Because we had a past, and it wasn’t a good one.

I hurt and humiliated him; this would be his chance for revenge.

But what else was I supposed to do? Let him call me his Obsidian when he gently stroked my hair? I’m just Nina, a human with no power, and I had to protect myself.

The irony is I would give anything to hear those words again, but now that my life depends on him, I don’t know if Adam would fight for me again.

This is the second book in the series. I have not read Sara and Leshy story yet but I want to! This story has a bit of everything happening: magic, drama, some violence, banter, vampires and so much more.

You know I had to read this story because of vampires…and that isn’t the cover beautiful?? (There’s a hint in it too!)

I really liked the story. I could not stop reading it. I had to know what was going to happen with Nina and Adam.

The vampire and the human along with a second chance, fighting, drama, mythology and so much more. I want more of this world. The author has won me over into reading more!

Adam reminds me a combination of fighting skills from Selene and an attitude of Spike from his dark days. He also battles his emotions on and off which is fascinating. I like him, is that wrong? His connection with Nina runs hot and cold which could indicate something magical, right? Oh and Adam’s housekeeper is a hoot and made me laugh a few times! That’s all I’m going to say about that.

Nina is full of attitude, sassy and has a hint of tenderness. I like how she connects with her friend Sara. Just something about their friendship is almost like a kinship. I loved how Nina figures some things out in this book. I loved Nina’s interaction with the housekeeper too.

The ending shocked me! Just when I think I knew the ending….Nope! I was not ready for it. I’m definitely ready to read more from this author!

Posted in book review, E-Arc, magic, magical elements, review

E-Arc Review The Treasured One by Hannah Levin

I have received an E-Arc from NetGalley, the author and publisher for an honest review!

Author: Hannah Levin
Publisher: Aethon Books
Date: July 9, 2024

Avery is a Golden Child with the ability to heal any illness or injury. She lives a sheltered life, dutifully healing hopefuls from around the globe. Although she dreams of freedom, she fears disrupting the status quo—that is, until her powers go on the fritz, threatening her health and her relationship with her government caretakers.

In search of answers, Avery travels through The Rift to the realm of the fae, intimidatingly beautiful beings with powers humans don’t understand. Their prince, Riel, has motivations of his own when he agrees to teach her about her rare magic. But as they work together, the two are drawn to each other.

Just as Avery manages to unlock the full potential of her powers, a betrayal shakes Riel’s House, putting pressure on the already tenuous relationship between humans and the fae. Caught in the middle, Avery and Riel will have to decide what matters most to them: loyalty to their respective nations, or their feelings for one another.

This book was magical and sweet to read. It just felt so sweet. I can’t explain it. I could follow the entire story from beginning to end as it was such a magical mellow vibe. I will say I loved how Avery’s world was so modern and yet she ends up going to Riel’s world which is way different than hers. It was fun to see and experience the differences Avery went through. I enjoyed how Avery had to adjust to Riel’s world with their language and customs. Can you imagine stepping into a whole different world? I bet I would feel a bit out of place and learn to be cautious about how I came across.

For some reason I felt like Lord of the Rings vibe kept popping up in places. And maybe the vibe of all those action/fantasy movies made in the 90s? I can’t explain it but I really enjoyed reading it. I doubt if anyone gets my meaning on this but hey..what can I say?

The connection between Riel and Avery was sweet, playful, flirty, and such banter was exchanged between the two of them. I loved how kind they were to each other. There is a tiny bit of spice in the book as it was the right kind for this story.

The ending was really nice and it may be left open for more for the future? Will we learn more about how both worlds work? Will there be more of Avery and Riel? 

It’s a must read if you like mellow, a whole new world, fantasy, fae and magic happening all at once!